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Friday, October 19, 2012

Half a year of Jack

I really don't know. 24? We'll find out next week at your 6 month appointment. 

Size 3. Still. Yaaah!

You're getting more and more hair all the time. 

Six month clothes are pretty tight on you and I've started packing them away. Anywhere from 9-18 months fits you. 

This months firsts
>The biggest thing is that you've started to eat people food! And I just love feeding it to you and making it for you. So far you've downed green beans, apples, bananas, sweet potatoes, squash, pears, oatmeal, rice and mixed oats. In the coming weeks I plan on giving you pumpkin, peaches and carrots. 

>You're a rolling machine. Still. You roll all around the room since you're not crawling yet. You can push straight with your hands and pull those leggies under you but not at the same time. So you pull yourself around on your hands and you get surprisingly far. 
>We did our first "kid" themed outing! You, aunty Linds and grammy Shelly went to the pumpkin patch in Bismarck. I loved it :) Hope you did too. 
>Two little teeth poped up at the beginning of your 5th month! So now your smile melts mama's heart even more. And your bite hurts like a son of a gun. And we've added brushing our teeth to our nightly routine. 
>First cold. Not fun, but not too terrible either. 

You like
>Your mama. I'm definitely your favorite thing and person. And I'm soaking this all in because I know soon daddy will be more interesting than mama. 
>The rattling frog. I can shake him when you're screaming your head off and you'll stop and giggle at him. 
>Going for runs in the stroller with mama. 
>Daddy time in the evenings. 

You don't like
>New people :( I wish you loved everyone but I suppose that since it's me and you all the time, it's weird to be around new faces. 
>Apples. But we're working on that. 

Mom loves
>The stage you're in right now. You're so funny and expressive, I just love it. I love that I can make you laugh and that you are always content being by me. I'm so proud of you for so many reasons. As I tell you all the time, you're mama's favorite baby. 

Dad loves

>You. He thinks you're the cat's meow. 

>Showing you off. He's one proud papa. He takes you into all the offices at work and shows them all the pictures of you that I send him throughout the day. 

We forgot Mr. Puppy Dog at home, so raccoon had to do. Recognize him? He's my stuffed animal and is the raccoon from Pocahontas.  

At Papa's Pumpkin Patch.

Being a turd during a stroller ride. Mama spoils you.

You're first hunting picture! Pheasant season has arrived. 

 Mama and Jack stripes. 


emily said...

Such a sweet smile!!

That hunting picture is adorable!

katie ridings said...

I love all of his outfits!! I would use them all!! Where do you shop, gap? I love gap & carters has cute stuff too!! I really dislike the super baby stuff like animals & such, I only put him in those when someone else bought them for me lol. I can't believe he fits anywhere from 9-18 months at six months, I wonder if Matthew will be the same, cause he is already in size 2 diapers at 2 1/2 months and 3 month clothing....hmm I better get to shopping.

Kate said...

9-18month clothing? WOW! Nice growing going on there Jack. Such a cutie pie!

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