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About Me

The Kingstons. My handsome husband, Scott, and I. 

Hi. I'm Erica. 

I am a new wife, although it feels like I've always been married to this man while other days that giddy feeling I get makes me think we just met. Either way, I am a blessed woman. Scott fits to me in a way I didn't know could exist and I am constantly being proven wrong that this is as good as it gets; it just keeps getting better. Needless to say, I am a happy, definitive wife.

I am surprising myself all the time as to how much I love domesticity. The word "domestic" has had such a bad connotation in my life. "Get the education and the career first then think about getting married." Well, I've never been career-driven and my dad taught me to give my all to my family first and whatever was left, give to the rest of the world. 
 Although I work for a newspaper now, I am a hopeful stay-at-home mother. I would love to get the news next week, or a month from now or a year - whenever God would like to give us that Kingston baby, we're ready :) 
The above was from my original post. We found out in August that we would be welcoming our new little addition sometime around April 22, 2012. Thoughts of babies and bibs and being a stay-at-home mama consumed me. Pregnancy was quite the journey.

 I quit my job, which I thoroughly enjoyed, as a newspaper reporter to be with Scott more.  And I am so thankful to him for supporting and providing for me so that I could make that change. We aren't your typical family - he doesn't work a 9 to 5 job and come home in time for supper at 6. Scott works in the North Dakota oil field, three hours away from our home, with a schedule of 28 days on and 14 days off. So during his time at work I go to Williston to stay with him. It has been the best change.

On April 18, 2012, our little Jack bear made us a family of three. He had a head of the sweetest dark hair and was a spitting image of his daddy. He has humbled me and blessed me a million times over and made me fall in love with Scott in ways I hadn't known before. Motherhood is a challenge that I face everyday with a heavily thankful heart. It is fluid and ever changing and has full of the purest, selfless love.

So this blog is a way to document my journey into domestic life (with a good, happy and cheerful idea of "the D word"). 

I'm trying to learn to cook healthy meals that still taste good and fill up my 6'3" husband. I'm trying to get into a routine of exercise - not just running (I just can't get myself to like it), but gardening and playing frisbee and yoga and fun things. I'm learning to be even more thrifty (I am my mother's child, I was born thrifty) - make more homemade things: cleaners, detergents, lotions, lemonade. This will be a journey of Erica Kingston Learns to Use Tools, so I can be a little more independent when Scott is away at work. This is a path of earning grace and boasting in my weaknesses as a mother.

And this will be the stories of a beginner. I am learning. So if there is advice or comments out there as to how to do something better or more efficient, please send me an email or leave a comment! I'd love to have company on this path. 


Married in Park Rapids, Minn, on March 12, 2011
Meeting Jack on April 18, 2012
One month old baby Jack