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Friday, July 13, 2012

Back from hiatus

It's been a while.

J Bear and I are finally back in Williston with Scott. And it couldn't feel better to be back in our own groove. But in the past few weeks we covered a lot of area - Jack met a bunch of family, I had some "baby breaks" and we spent around 2.5 total days in the car. I couldn't be more proud of how my little man did. He was so good.

Here is the short story of our trips:

  • We left Williston, packed everything up at home and headed to the doctor for Jack's 2-month shots. He's the strongest boy in the world, (I tell him that allll the time. My dorkness comes out when I talk to J.)
  • We headed to the farm to spend the night with my mom and sister. They cooed over how big Jack has gotten.
  • Lindsay, Jack and I left early the next morning to do some shopping in Fargo then arrived at my grandparents lake in Minnesota.
  • Spent the next four days there. We swam, went to town for coffee, sweat out butts off, took naps and played games. Jack was attended to by great aunt and uncle Michelle and Roger, cousin Anna, great grandma, grandma and aunt Lindsay. He's one loved baby.
  • We packed up and headed back to Gackle. Spent the 4th of July there. Jack somehow slept through the loud fireworks. We left the next morning for Wisconsin.
  • After 12 hours on the road, we finally arrived at Prairie du Chein where we spent the next three days in 105*+ weather and 97% humidity. IT WAS HOT. We went to the pool, shopped, did some sight seeing, played games and attended my cousin Heidi's wedding.
  • Jack spent one of the Wisconsin nights at a hotel. All by himself. With grandpa and grandma Kingston. Who were so very excited to have him to themselves :) Mama didn't really know what to do with herself.
  • We packed. Again. And took a nice riverside drive toward Minneapolis. We stopped at Lark Toys and rode the carousel.
  • Jack went to the Mall of America for the first time. Mom spent A LOT of time in H&M.
  • Spent the night in a hotel. Went to IKEA the next morning. Then went back to Gackle, packed everything and went home to Washburn.
  • Then packed for a final time, left a messy house, and made the drive to Williston. Where we both were verrrry excited to see daddy pants. 

I was really looking forward to our trip, and it was a really good time, but I'm so glad to be home. And I'm so blessed to have a home, with two of the best guys, that I can get this excited to come back to. We probably won't be taking any two week times away from Scott again anytime soon. But, we do look forward to hitting a different part of Wisconsin in a few weeks for our whole family to visit the Kingston's and possibly hit up the Dells. 

Now I'm going to get a little mushy. So X out of the browser if that's not your thing. 

I loved Jack when he was born. I loved him when we brought him home and when I ventured out of the house for the first time and realized I still smelled of my baby even in the grocery store. But like that song that says, "I thought I loved you then," I am smitten by this tiny ball of chubby baby more and more. 

Before, he was this familiar stranger. A little being that was part me, part Scott, part his own curious little self. Now he is just familiar. He's a face I look at 20 hours a day, and dream about the other four. He's coming into himself and we are growing together and as a family. And along with loving my baby more, I love my husband more. There's nothing like seeing the man you love smile and hold your baby and look at you and say, "We made this."

While we've been gone, I've taken so much pride in showing Jack to our family. This is so cliche, but there is so much purpose added to life when you're a parent. 

If Scott and I do nothing else right in our lives, we did something so, so good with Jack. 


emily said...

Whew. I'm tired just reading this!

Glad y'all had a great time!

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