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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dancing deck

Today has been a good, good day. 

It's been overcast, rainy and dreary. Which is always accepted in my book, but especially on a Saturday. We did get out of our pajamas… so we could take a bath and put clean jammies right back on. 

I felt ambitious, so I grabbed a bottle and the Bumbo and headed downstairs to my mess of a craft room and started digging. One hissy fit, a bottle and a nap later, the room is now spick and span. And the downstairs bed is made up with clean sheets. 

It's been raining now for a few hours. Just a slight, slow rain. A half hour ago I grabbed Jack from playing on the floor, opened the patio door in the kitchen and comfortably situated ourselves on the floor looking out to the back yard. Just far enough inside to remain dry but still smell the rain. 

We both became quiet and just watched (and one of us began blowing spit bubbles). 

The rain made the deck dance. 

Sometimes when a raindrop would hit, it would shatter into a bunch of tiny water balls that skimmed across the surface of the wet wood. 

How far do rain drops fall?

I hope I can remember to teach Jack to find those little skating water drops. And to appreciate them. And to be fascinated by them. 

I hope we turn off the TV often. Turn off the music and the humming of the everyday and sit quietly. With love and welcoming swarming around us while we dream alone together. 

I need to remember to be simple for my son. 

I don't remember the hustle and bustle of my childhood. I don't know how we learned to be in a hurry.

I remember, most, the times we were together. In the evenings when everything seemed to calm down. When we broke rhubarb leaves to use as baseball bases. When we all sat down for dinner and talked about our day. When we brought the board games out. 

That is what I want Jack to remember when he is grown. Not that we never had enough time - that we took the time. 

Now the day is drawing to an end and we will start new in a few hours. I have the sweetest baby sleeping on my chest and the rain is still slowly dancing on the deck. I'll do my best to remember this in the morning. 


Anonymous said...

I love this...

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