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Thursday, May 31, 2012

A strong smile

Jack has recently started to smile. As in, beyond tooting and pooping smiles. Real, intentional smiles. And it's the most wonderful thing when your baby looks at you and slaps on the sweetest little grin. 

Here is the progression of our little man's "Jacksmiles":

Yep, he's wearing a John Deer onesie. We start our kids out young here in North Dakota :) Thanks Jordy, Brooks, Linda and Warren!


Now, I'm not sure about other babies or there talents and skills, but our baby loves to "stand." And we think it's the best thing to happen since sliced bread. 

He can't do it on his own, so I hold him by his armpit and it pushes himself up with his legs and can stand for about 10 seconds. And he just loves it! When he straightens his legs, he stiffens his whole body and his hands fold into tight fists and he shakes them like he's mad. It's soooo stinkin' funny.

 Sometimes I sit on the floor with him and just let him work his muscles - it wears him out pretty good. A good nap usually follows. 

Here, I've helped him up, but he's standing all on his own. What a strong little man. 

Scott loves that his little boy is so strong, so when Jack is laying on his tummy on the bed Scott puts his arm behind Jack's legs and he pushes off of of it and "belly crawls" across the bed. It's comical. Daddy thinks our 1.5 month old will be crawling in no time :)


emily said...

YAY for smiles. It just melts your heart!

He should really be John Deere's new spokesman!!

Linda said...

At least he's not wearing "the red" colors!!

Don't rush the crawling and walking. You'll be running after him like crazy and everything will have to be put 2 feet higher off the ground or secured to the walls. Enjoy this time where he is in one place and stays put.

Kate said...

Wow what a strong boy! I love baby smiles. It's the sweetest most heart melting thing.

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