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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Already mama

I was writing a column the other day about how family = mess. 

And they do. When you're a single gal you do what you want. You come when you decide to and you leave when you want to. Supper can be at 2 p.m. or 11 p.m. and it doesn't matter because it's up to you. 

Now you're married. And the sprinkler system needs to be drained and winterized and it's up to you to do it, even if you don't want to. Loads of laundry pile up and sometimes you have to get in the car and drive three hours one way to give that man his computer cord because he forgot it. The couch cushions are lumpy and the bathroom seems to always be damp.

And then a baby comes and they turn into a toddler, then a teenager and the mess builds up and yourself gets pushed to the wayside and you just grow into humility because those people you love have been put ahead of your own needs. 

At least I hope that's how it happens. 

Our house stays clean when it's just me there. For the most part, anyway. Wet towels on the bed and dirt on the floor and piles of dishes in the sink mean Scott is at home. And the house smells a little different with two people breathing in and out the same air. 

I would take the mess over the cleanliness any day if it meant he was always home. (Scott works in the oil field and has a schedule of a month on, two weeks off. He stays at the staff house during that month.)

So I was writing about how a messy house means family. And I found this sign on Pinterest. And tears filled my eyes at the office while I read and reread it. 

I realized that even though I don't have a baby to rock yet, I'm already a mama. That intuitive character has already instilled itself in me and I already want our baby to stay small and innocent. And I am ready for the mess that comes with our newly formed family, and the humble nature I have been preparing for.


Linda said...

Erica, you've nailed it. That's exactly how it happens. And sometimes we stop and wonder..."now how in the world did that happen?" When we brought John home, someone gave me a wall plaque with that exact same verse. I did exactly what it said too. I spent a lot of time in the rocker with my precious son. When Sarah came along, we were three in the rocker. Once child in each arm. I look at them now with fond memories of those early days. But it's fun to see them grow up, and yes, their messes get bigger. But one day they'll be gone and the smudges on the windows won't be there any more.

Sara said...

Oh I have to comment again! Ha! That saying is SO true, let it be your life...people always have A LOT to say about making your babies sleep by themselves and not rocking them and all of that stuff...and that's fine I guess for people who don't want to get to rock them. I rocked mine and cuddled them like CRAZY and wouldn't take ANY of those moments back for anything. They are only babies for awhile...and really enjoy that first will never again get a chance to give that undivided attention to your is SO much fun! ;)

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