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Thursday, April 26, 2012

One week of Jack

Well, time has already begun to fly by. Yesterday, Jack turned one week old. One whole week. Even though I "grew" this baby in me for so many months, we just met. We said hello eight days ago and we are pushing and tugging to figure each other out. He is the most familiar stranger I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. 

I love this outfit - mostly because it's warm and zip-up. Plus, it has puppy dog feet. Who doesn't love a babe with puppy dog footsies? And I swear his cheeks aren't always this chunky-looking. He's sitting up and all scrunchy-like. 

He was 8 lbs. 9 oz. when he was born. We will find out next week at his first doctors appointment how much he gained/lost.

Although he was a pretty big baby, he is still in newborns. I think we'll be in them for a while yet.

The most beautiful head of straight, dark brown hair. It's so soft and fuzzy and feels so good on my lips when I rub them against his head. The hair on the back of his head is so long, it's almost humorous! Aunt Lindsay says he has a mullet, it's about an inch long back there. :)

Newborn fit perfectly. And I'm sure for not much longer. Some nb pants are pretty tight.
We love anything soft, fuzzy and ZIP-UP. Why aren't all newborn clothes zip-up? Who came up with this stupid button stuff?
The best thing I purchased was this magnetic sleep gown. It's our favorite and gets washed regularly so we can use it almost every night.
Oh, and we love Okie Dokie Soft Cotton Crew socks. I'm not sure where people got them (we have three sets) but they are the best - small in the foot for tiny baby feet but nice and long - almost up to his knees, it's pretty funny because they look like old man socks - and they stay up and on his feet.

This weeks firsts
Well, everything has been a "first" this week. But some of my favorite are:
> Jack peed on daddy for the first time in the middle of the night on April 23.
> Then he got mom on April 24 :)
> First smile :) Melts my heart, even though I know it's because he just had a good toot. But hey, I'm it felt good.
> Milk came out his nose. I think it's because he tries to guzzle his bottle as fast as he can, but we went to burp and milk projectiled up and out and I saw it come out of his little button nose.
> He slept for five hours last night! I wish it would have been solid sleep for us, but he fell alseep at 8:45 p.m. and didn't wake up until about 2 a.m. That makes this mama very hopeful!

Jack likes
His swing
His small bassinet in his crib for sleeping
Being swaddled (I'm getting good at wrapping him like a burrito)
Riding around with mom in our Baby K'Tan
Warm milk
Riding in the truck

Jack doesn't like
Waiting to be picked up
Waiting for his parents to get a warm bottle ready
Laying flat in his crib

Mom loves
The look on his face when he's stops sucking and I take the bottle out of his mouth. He just looks around with little purced, milky lips.
The look on his face when he's trying to toot. He's so concentrated and then gets this nice relieved smile. I just can't stand it :)
When he falls asleep snuggled tight and close to me. It's THE BEST feeling in the whole world. I'm savoring all these times because soon he'll be 16 and embarrassed when I kiss him in front of his friends.

Looking at the camera just wasn't happening. But I love this look. Sometimes he's wide awake and just looking all around, all curious like. I can't wait to start explaining what everything is. 

I love you so much Jack bear. 


Anonymous said...

He is super adorable! I can't believe he's 8 days old. Hope you are enjoying time learning about your son! Hopefully I get to join you soon.

emily said...

I completely agree about the zip up onesies. So much easier than those stupid buttons!

Your Jack is adorable. I love his cheeks!!

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