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Friday, April 6, 2012

Week 38

How far along: 38 weeks

Days to due date: 16 days until due date, 19 until induction date

Total weight gain: I'll find out today. Probably 24,398,473 pounds. Or something like that.

Maternity clothes: Well, I'm down to two tank tops that actually are long enough and stretchy enough. Yeah, I wash and wear them like twice a week. Bottoms are sweat pants (or "house pants" or "camper pants" as Scott calls them :) for everyday wear, jeans on the rare occasion I deem myself in worthy enough public to warrant their uncomfortable waistlines. 

Best moment this week: Taking naps with my cuddly husband. He supposedly "hates" snuggling, but I know deep down it's his favorite. 

What I miss: Clothes that fit. Target has it's summer stuff out. And it's oh-so-cute. And I'm oh-so-huge. 

Movement: Baby K has figured out the art of pushing his butt and back against my right side while his little legs push out on the left of my stomach. Mama is not happy with him during those times. 

Food cravings: WATER. Can't get enough. Which makes for 17,000 nightly trips to the bathroom. 

Making me queasy: Nothing in particular, just not feeling up to par at times during the day.

Starting to show: My belly is definitely NOT egg-shaped anymore. It is round, out and proud. With my volcano of a belly button showing through my shirts (which I secretly think is a little adorable.)

Gender: A sweet baby boy. 

Happy or moody: Happy. And content.

Things I've been experiencing this week: It's been a quiet week. I doubt he will come out before the induction date. He'll be stubborn just like his dad, I'm sure of it, and will do what he wants when he wants. (Hmmm... Scott junior???)

Other than that, I'm trying to find solace (in the lightest use of the word) in this pregnancy. There are (probably) 19 days left that Scott and I are a newlywed, young couple. After that we are parents (which is not better or worse, just immensely different.) I'm trying to soak him up in the days left that I have him solely to myself. I have no idea how much this little man is going to change our lives, so our "normality" this far in our lives is a little piece of the pie I'm trying to savor.

A little story: So where we stay at Scott's work in Williston we have this love seat that has pop-out foot rests and - the stupidest thing EVER - a divider in the middle for cup holders and a cubby for remotes or whatever. It's the only style they had, so I had to pick it, but if it was up to me we'd have a normal love seat, equipped for some hard core movie cuddling.
I am quite top heavy these days, therefore I can't go over to his chair and snuggle up to him even if I wanted. So I told him the other day that when I was skinny again, I'd be able to come over to "his side." He said no, motioning to the little nook on his left side, and said "This is where (insert baby's name) will sit. He has to sit in between mom and dad." It sort of made me swoon just thinking about our little baby sitting with daddy, watching our nightly (dumb) Rambo or (even worse) baseball movie.
But fear not, there is definitely going to be enough room for baby, dad AND mom on that chair. I'll see to it. 

What I'm looking forward to: Having signs of labor. I feel like they will never come. 

Size of baby: A (whaaaa???) pumpkin! I guess this makes sense if you look at me... 


Kate said...

Yay you have an induction date! That is exciting, although I hope your boy comes sooner because I know how anxious you are probably feeling. I feel like I'm going to still be pregnant at 50 weeks! haha.

the.home.werker. said...

it has been so fun to follow your journey! I'm 35 weeks along, so not too far behind you- praying for a comfortable last few weeks for you, and a safe delivery of your little boy.

Anonymous said...

Man, I'm so jelly. You can see an end in sight. The only problem with natural delivery and birth plans is that they don't start talking about inductions until almost 42 weeks! I could be pregnant foreeeeeverrrrrrr. LOL

emily said...

You look great!

Your husband sounds so sweet and like he's so ready to be a dad! Enjoy these last few days...they really do go by fast!

Casey said...

You look fantastic!

Not sure if you remember me (I was the crazy preggers looking for your adorable grey "ribbed" dress). I'm about 2 weeks behind you, due in early/mid May. I'm also experiencing those "look I'm on this side AND that side" baby stretches, and they are the CRAZIEST feeling! You look great. Hope you progress these last couple of weeks along as comfortably as possible!

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