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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Baby legs

Just in case you were wanting to check out a fresh picture of my sweet baby Jack. Here is is in his baby leggings. 

So, I pinned on Pinterest early in my pregnancy DIY tutorials for baby leggings. When I found out we were having a boy, I starting thinking up ways to "butch" up leggings. That word in itself is just so girly. 

Most sites said to buy long socks, cut off the heel and foot and sew the ends in some way. Well, I tried sewing a hem on the ends of the cut up leg part of the sock, but it took the elasticity away. So for these, I simply cut the foot part off and left it. The ends curl up a bit, but haven't started to unravel. These socks are from the mens department in Target. I didn't think they'd be long enough, but after I put them on Jack, I found they had to be rolled up quite a bit. 

I think they are adorable - manly adorable, I mean, of course. Plus, these make for easy-peasy diaper changes and an even easier DIY project for baby. 


emily said...

Very cute! I hate that I'm sewing/creativity challenged!!

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