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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Week 22

How far along: 21 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain: 11+- pounds

Maternity clothes: Just for pants. The belly isn't big enough for some maternity shirts. Oh, and I found a great pair of mat skinny jeans! (I've been wearing boot cut lately, I'm so happy to be in my normal pants again so I can wear normal shoes :)

Sleep: The same as usual. I've started putting a pillow on each side of me (only on the one side when hubby is home) so when I roll over I can snuggle with the pillows, or if I want to "lay" on my back, I can - if I lay on my right side, I put the pillow under my left side back and can comfortably put weight on my back that way without it getting painful. 

Best moment this week: Lately in the morning when I'm awake but haven't gotten out of bed, Baby Boy is usually swimming around. I've started saying, "Good morning, baby boy." It's a small thing, I know, but I just lay there thinking of when I can say that directly to him and he'll be here and can snuggle in bed with me. It starts my mornings on the right foot.

What I miss: Sleeping on my back and stomach. Not being worried about my caffeine intake. Not feeling like a fat whale when I eat and don't get full until the third helping. 
  • The other day my back was hurting something fierce so I decided to lay on the floor (you know the feeling, when it seems like everything just stretches back out after a long day.) Well I was just thinking about my back hurting that when I went to lay on the floor I went on my stomach. It was the funniest feeling of the pressure of my soccer ball belly pushing up against me. Whoops! 
Movement: Yess ma'am.

Food cravings: Still strawberries with that cream cheese fruit dip. 

Making me queazy: Nothing.

Starting to show: Yes.

Gender: BOY!

Happy or moody: Happy :)

Things I've been experiencing this week: Back pain lately. My tailbone. I've had trouble with it before I was pregnant but now it's back and it sucks that now, not only is my belly restricting me from bending over, but the movement I do have is restricted again with this back stuff.... Hopefully getting back into some prenatal yoga will help with that. Oh, and round ligament pain all the time.
AND, I took my sewing machine in to get fixed (it's been on the fritz for about a month) and it turned out to be something minor! So it's working again and I can finish our family Christmas stockings from the ugly sweaters before Christmas! And I can work on the upcycled t-shirt bibs for baby boy :)
AND, my belly button is getting funny. It's so tiny right now!  It's a lot shallower than it used to be. I'm definitely thinking it'll be getting flat within the next few months (weeks?). I'm not sure how innies turn into outies, so I don't think it'll be an outie, but it'll for sure be getting stretched out to being flat! It's really a weird thing!

What I'm looking forward to: Getting the nursery rolling! Hubs is getting in my way because he thinks it's too early and I'm just "nesting." But he said we can start after our holiday company - his parents - leave. So, soon!

Size of baby: The size of a papaya.

It's almost Christmastime!! Hope you have a great time with
friends and family :)
Love, Erica


Kate said...

I feel you with that lower back pain! MAN OHHHH MAN. At the end of the day it is so intense and I end up waddling around like a duck in pain.
I like your idea of putting pillows on both sides when you sleep, but Im seriously considering investing in a body pillow.

Aliya said...

You are ADORABLE!! Congrats on your baby boy! I have a little boy as well and am expecting #2! You have a new follower :)

Anonymous said...

You look amazing! I love your dress!

I really love my body pillow/snoogle thingy. I'm wrapped up with it right now!

I don't think it's too early to work on the nursery, but I put any nursery stuff on hold until after the new year. I posted pictures of the nursery on my blog, though! I feel like the big stuff is done. Now I just need to decorate!

Jessica said...

So very cute!! I agree about missing sleeping on my stomach... definitely pack in the pillows though, sure makes sleeping on your sides a little less annoying :)

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