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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Week 35

This is what my lap (or lack thereof) consists of these days. 

How far along: 34 weeks 6 days

Days to due date: 36 days!

Total weight gain: So last week my journalist skills (and downfalls) shown through brightly - I did the math wrong on my weight. Simple subtraction stumps me sometimes. Last week I had gained 31 pounds. This past appointment showed I'm up 33 pounds. Depressed... wow. 

Maternity clothes: Yes. Almost ALL shirts are too short. 

Sleep: So much better. Thanks to decongestant nose spray, my humidifier and Mucinex. 

Best moment this week: Just the process of feeling better. And the old man on the train asking me about my pregnancy and telling me he is/was a doctor, hasn't delivered in 40 years but would hep me out if needed. 

What I miss: My cheeks not trying to (seemingly) overtake my lips and eyes. They are getting out of hand. 

Movement: He's decided to get into my ribs on the right side again lately. But other than that, lots of flops and swooshes in my pelvis and middle/right side of my tummy. 

Food cravings: Glasses and glasses of ice water. And ginger ale with mango fusion V8. 

Making me queasy: Nothing.

Starting to show: Yes. Quite the understatement. 

Gender: A sweet baby boy. 

Happy or moody: Happy for the most part. 

Things I've been experiencing this week: I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but one of the first signs of pregnancy for me was a sore tailbone. Well, as I get closer and closer to popping, my tailbone pain increases immensely. I am on the road a lot and sitting in the truck is the worst way to sit. So I've had to get creative. Sitting on my foot, pushing up with my leg on the door. Basically any way to sit crooked and not straight on. 

Fun fact: says my uterus has a 1,000 times it's original size. I believe it. 

What I'm looking forward to: Well, first off, my baby shower in Gackle! Can't wait for it. And secondly, my OB appointment on Wednesday. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound as well. Since my tummy has consistently measured bigger, the doc wants to see how big the baby is. So I'm excited I get to look at him again! And I'm secretly hoping she'll tell me he will arrive earlier than expected!

Size of baby: A butternut squash:

And here's my new hair cut. I decided one night I needed bangs again. And then I chopped many inches off, flipped out and spent the next hour trying to fix them. They're growing on me...


Anonymous said...

You look great, regardless of what you have gained! Everyone gains differently anyway. Besides... a lot of it is probably fluid (blood volume increasing, etc.) and baby/placenta weight! :)

Kate said...

Im up 31lbs at 35 weeks along... and you know what made me feel better? I read that Kelly Rippa put on 68lbs with her first pregnancy! hehe.
Hopefully your baby will drop a little lower so that the rib pain isn't too intense. My poor rib cage feels so bruised now. Have a great baby shower.

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