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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Week 36 & 37

36 weeks 2 days pregnant with baby boy. Photos courtesy of L.J. Photography

How far along: 36 weeks 5 days --- Baby K is full term in two days!!!

Days to due date: 23 days! HOLY MOLY!

Total weight gain: 36 pounds. Feels like 70 somedays. 

Maternity clothes: I've decided to just move on to Scott's shirts. They fit nice and loose still. Running low on tops and bottoms that are comfy and don't show a few inches of belly.

In these pictures, my belly button looks like an outie. It's not. The button itself is still holding on and in, its the little circle around it that has decided to "pop" out and stick out like that :) Ahh, the weird things that happen during pregnancy. 

Sleep: Very good. Thank You, Jesus. The only thing I can complain about is the constant numbness in my hands... more on that further down.

Best moment this week: PUTTING THE NURSERY TOGETHER!!!!!!!!! Oh goodness, I'm so, so glad the carpet came and Scott was home, as well as my sister and bff Jackie. It's the sweetest little space in our house. Many times we have found ourselves sitting in his room, talking about when he'll arrive - those times have probably been the best part of this whole pregnancy.

AND just the simple fact of having Scott home for his full two weeks off was pretty great. We were busy with buying a new boat and him using it every single day to fish (sometimes dragging me on the river at 7 a.m. in my heaviest winter gear), going to Gackle for my baby shower and moving everything around and putting it back in the rooms with the oh-so-wonderful new carpet.

What I miss: My normal hands. I pried my rings off the other day in the shower. After I lubed them up with shampoo. Lately my fingers have been numb, sometimes my whole hand. I guess it's normal, according to my doctor. This carpal tunnel syndrome can stick it where the sun don't shine...

Oh, and my feet and ankles. Lets talk about them. Cankles are an understatement. Somedays its more like elephantiasis. Yeah, go look that up. It's disturbing. 

Movement: Lots of flops and plops and a little shark fin, that I'm assuming is his foot, that pops up and moves a little then goes away. I'm just trying to take in all of this baby time I have to myself before he comes into the world and I have to share him. 

Food cravings: Ice water. Lucky Charms.

Making me queasy: Nothing.

Starting to show: I have a nice tight, round belly. 

Gender: A sweet baby boy. 

Happy or moody: Happy. Especially knowing he'll be coming oh-so-soon :)

Things I've been experiencing this week: Oh, we've had quite the week, or past few days. I went in for my doctor appointment on Friday where I had an ultra sound to see how big the little guy is - turns out he's in the 53rd percentile at 5 pounds 11 ounces and head down, in the correct position. And he still has boy parts! (I was worried they were going to tell me, oops, baby is a girl. I'm pretty dead set on a baby boy now:) 

But during the ultra sound, they saw his heart beat was low. So they hooked me up to monitors for a non stress test. His heart rate was 100-110, when it should be 120-140. Since everything else looked good, the doc said she wouldn't have to induce me, just watch me closer. She said if I don't feel him move 10 times in 2 hours I should go into the hospital to labor and delivery. Well, that of course freaked me out. So I started counting. We decided to go into the hospital that night to make sure he was ok. 

We packed our bags, put the car seat in the pickup and headed to town. On the way there we were so excited that we could possibly meet our little man that day. Since it seemed that if I were to be induced, baby would be just fine, we really wanted him to come. His heart beat was back to normal at the hospital and the doctor said we could go home. We are very thankful that Baby K is healthy and good, but as selfish humans, we are disappointed he isn't here yet. Monday's appointment showed a good, strong heartbeat again, so I think we have nothing to worry about in that department. He is already practicing messing with his parents. Ohhh, the joys of another 18 years of that!

Since our close encounter this past weekend, everything has become all the more real. I have the awesome job of carrying this baby, so I've felt him and lived with him the past months. He has been real to me for a while. But I think it really hit Scott that our baby could come at any time. He's going to be the greatest dad. I'm so thankful for him and this baby that is a part of both of us. The pack n' play is set up in our room with blankets and diapers ready, the nursery is nice and cozy and I put the lamps on in the nursery in the evenings because I love walking by and picturing all the activities that are about to occur on that room. 

We are so ready for you, baby boy. Not only to be a dad and a mom, but to be parents. Together. You've already brought your mama and daddy closer. We can't wait to meet you. Your dad asks me everyday when you'll be coming.

What I'm looking forward to: Seeing our baby on the ultra sound again on Friday. And possibly discussing an induction date. 

Size of baby: A watermelon:

36 weeks 5 days


Anonymous said...

You look so great, Erica! :) I love the first photo.

I'm glad Baby K is OK :) I was wondering if all the silence was because Baby K made an early arrival, but glad he will cook a little longer! :)

Kate said...

That picture is STUNNING! I kinda wish I was getting some nice pro pics done.
Thats a little scary about his heart rate but I'm glad everything is back to normal. I would also be a little dissapointed that your baby didn't arrive that day. I've been welcoming any signs of pain lately in hopes that they will turn into contractions.

Erica Kingston said...

I know what you mean about welcoming signs of pain, Im doing the same thing! Seems strange, doesn't it? But every little thing I'm secretely hoping is the start of labor.

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